SELECT ROUND(MATCH(manufacturers_name) AGAINST ('(+led +achterlicht) ("led* achterlicht*")' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE), 2) AS score_m, ((IF(title LIKE "%led%" != '', 1, 0)) + (IF(title LIKE "%achterlicht%" != '', 1, 0)) + MATCH(title) AGAINST ('(+led +achterlicht) ("led achterlicht")' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) AS score_total_title, ((IF(content LIKE "%led%" != '', 1, 0)) + (IF(content LIKE "%achterlicht%" != '', 1, 0)) + MATCH(content) AGAINST ('(+led +achterlicht) ("led achterlicht")' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) AS score_total_content, MATCH(title, content) AGAINST ('(+led +achterlicht) ("led* achterlicht*")' IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) AS score_last_sort,, hey_searching.url, hey_searching.img, hey_searching.title, hey_searching.ref_colum_id, hey_searching.manufacturer_id, hey_searching.category_pad, hey_searching.products_model, hey_searching.show_in_results, p.filters, p.products_quantity FROM hey_searching LEFT OUTER JOIN products AS p ON p.products_id = hey_searching.ref_colum_id WHERE ((CONVERT(title USING utf8) LIKE "%led%" OR CONVERT(content USING utf8) LIKE "%led%") AND (CONVERT(title USING utf8) LIKE "%achterlicht%" OR CONVERT(content USING utf8) LIKE "%achterlicht%")) AND lang_id = 4 AND active = 1 AND category_pad != '' AND category_pad NOT IN(890470, 890476, 890477) HAVING score_total_title >= 0.8 || score_total_content >= 1.8 ORDER BY score_m DESC, score_total_title DESC, score_total_content DESC, show_in_results DESC, score_last_sort DESC;